Tritek Solutions, Inc.

Pacific Northwest Contacts and Locations

Tritek Northwest is a manufacturers’ representative with sales engineers in both Oregon and Washington. We have a sales and administrative staff capable of providing a complete sales and support solution for both our customers and the manufacturers we represent.

Please view our list of manufacturers and locations we represent. Our sales engineers are eager to help with your application or product questions.

Tritek Solutions Corporate

Sales Support, Beaverton, OR 92688
Tel: (949) 835-7300

Dean Shipman, Field Sales Engineer,

Tel: 425-985-0130,

Larry Johnson, Field Sales Engineer (semiconductor accounts), Tel: 503-439-1500

Tritek Solutions Corporate

Sales Support, Seattle, WA 92688
Tel: (949) 835-7300

Dean Shipman, Field Sales Engineer, Tel: 425-985-0130

Tritek Solutions Corporate

Tritek Solutions Corporate
30021 Tomas, Suite 120, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Tel: (949) 609-0560, Fax: (949) 609-0561

Don Miller, President, Tel: 949-835-7304